Ha so yes let's just say I was lazy during the school year and never felt like updating? Because that's exactly what happened, but let's move past that and jump right back in? Excellent!
And what better day to resume blogging than good ole' Independence Day? A *huge* nail art day. My design is very unoriginal and super sloppy but I slapped it on in about ten minutes over an old mani (actually I had flower petals on my nails over a white base and just pulled the petals off-you'll see them later, promise).
Without further ado, here are my stripes and.. well mostly stripes. I haven't accumulated any star shaped glitters even though it's pretty high on my "to-do" list of polishes. But I've seen a few people use China Glaze's Ruby Slippers (I think that's what it's called? I know the "Ruby" part anyhow) and I have been DYING to get it. I saw it at a Sally's like a year ago and regret not buying it, I don't know why I didn't. Oh, I said "without further ado" like a paragraph ago, didn't I? Well, for real now:

These pictures are a bit huge, sorry, I uploaded them directly from my phone. It has a better resolution than my camera, how.. sad, really. My dear camera is quite old though. I made myself a homemade lightbox and it looks like crap but you know, gets the job done. Only problem is my lamp has a really warm toned yellow light. NOT WHAT I NEEDED. But you know, I only just kinda found it in the garage and it's all I got, so you gotta do what you gotta do. Lightbox pics will probably be pretty sporadic though. I'll explain later, who even cares.
Like I said, they are very messy, but I did them really quickly, alright? I like the overall design anyways.
Colors Used:
- Sally Hansen Insta-Dri (it's the white, but my bottle doesn't have a name sticker)
- Sinful Colors- Gogo Girl
- Love & Beauty by Forever 21- Blue (yes, that's really the name. "Blue" wow yea real creative there, 421)