August 30, 2012

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 30-Inspired by a Tutorial

One day left! There is one day left of this challenge! I remember all way back to day one, where I accidentally never used the right color. Oh, memories. But anyways, I have been so excited for this day. I've known what I wanted to do for the past few days, and I am not at all disappointed in it. I present to you: sugar coated nails!

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 29-Inspired by the Supernatural

Oh man. I can't even tell you how much I had to contemplate the design for today's challenge. I was at a complete loss, and I was about to give in and do some simple ghosts, or some skulls (though I wasn't sure if the technically counted as 'supernatural'?) when it came to me. Zombies! I'd done zombie look around last Halloween and absolutely loved it. I did basically the same thing, but with a different background.

August 28, 2012

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 28-Inspired by a Flag

I had honestly no idea what flag I wanted to do up until about noon. I kinda just gave up and it ended up working better than expected.

August 27, 2012

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 27-Inspired by Art

I knew 'Inspired by Art' was going to be a difficult day. I spent a while thinking about what kind of artwork I wanted to do. Right off the bat, I knew I didn't want to do any recreations of famous paintings or anything. A) That would be so hard (not that I'm shying away from a bit of hard work- I love really getting into nail work that take maybe an hour or two or even more- but I wasn't really prepared to do that. I don't really have grade-A brushes, and my paints are limited) and B) I feel like that would be the obvious route. And while there have been many many talented artists, I've never really been one to get really stuck on a certain era, or artist, or whatnot. And then I thought of an idea I'd been mulling over a while. Stained glass!

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 26-Inspired by a Pattern

So I was thinking about patterns and I didn't want to do anything simple. Typical me, I was... over ambitious, to say the least. I chose a blue chine plate pattern to do because I am a self-sabotaging person.

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 25-Inspired by Fashion

Fashion was today's inspiration challenge. I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do for the day, since I hadn't done much preparation the day before. I flipped through a few pages of a magazine and came across a picture that had some colors I really liked and thought, "Well hey, why not use this." And so I did.

August 25, 2012

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 24-Inspired by a Book

Inspired by a book sounded easy in concept. I have a nice collection of books that I love; but creating a nail theme around just one? Easier said than done. Well, for me anyways, it's probably way easier for most people, but hush hush now. So I thought about it. I'd done Hunger Games inspired nails before, and loved how they turned out, but I didn't want to just redo a design. So I took a different aspect from the wonderful trilogy to translate into nail art: forests.

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 23-Inspired by a Movie

So I wasn't really picking up any movie inspiration for this challenge. I can't even actually remember the last movie I watched. But I figured I could get away with doing a TV show because hey same difference, okay? And I chose one of the best shows ever to showcase on my nails for the day: Avatar: the Last Airbender!

August 22, 2012

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 22-Inspired by a Song

Inspired by a song was a tiny bit easier than inspired by a color. I opened up my music library and for some reason the first thing to pop into mind was "Jar of Hearts" by Christina Perri. It started off well enough but ended a disaster, and I'll leave it at that. Then, for no real reason, "Blueberry Kisses" by Lady Gaga played in my head. And I thought "Hey, blueberry nail art would be awesome. Let's throw in some mouths too, even though I suck at them." And.. well, here it is.

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 21-Inspired by a Color

Inspired by a color. I had right next to no idea what that meant when I first thought about it. I mean I'm still not all too sure what it really means. But as I was brushing my teeth the night before I had to do this look, I thought... toothpaste. A nice bright blue jelly color with some square white glitter would look just like toothpaste. Unfortunately, I had neither of those things. And thus, this was born...

August 21, 2012

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 20-Water Marble

Ohhh water marbling. I was almost excited this morning to try it out. And then I got a bit of nail polish and water on my keyboard, and cleaning up my fingers alone was tragic (even with tape!). And also, I just... did not water marble well.

August 20, 2012

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day19-Galaxy!

Galaxy nails! I love galaxy nails! I thought today was water marbling (something I've only done, like, once) and thought,"Well maybe I'll do tomorrow's design today and do water marbling tomorrow." Turns out I didn't even have to! Oh it was such a lovely surprise.

August 19, 2012

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 18-Half Moons

Half moons! I was so glad for this day. I really dig half moons. Plus they're so simple. Fantastic. I didn't get very creative though. I had taken off the glitter nails right after I took the pictures because I didn't want to be scrubbing for ages the next day, so I tried out a color I'd been eyeing for a while. And loved it. A lot. Until I added the half moon part for the day's challenge. Then it was just 'eh.' But it was great the day it lasted. Anyways, half moons:

August 17, 2012

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 17-Glitter

Ahh, glitter. Your best friend that stabs you in the back. That's not harsh. That's words from anyone taking off glitter nail polish. When I first read the day's challenge, I was excited. Then immediately apprehensive. Glitter nail polish is awesome. It's gorgeous. But it adheres to nails like super glue. A common complaint, but not at all a hyperbole.

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 16-Tribal

Right. Tribal. Tribal nails are nice, fun, creative. I used to do a good deal of tribal nails. I tried to do a popular design I'd been seeing around lately (though it's arguably more 'Aztec'? I think so anyway). It uses a striper brush though, which I don't have, so I did my best with the regular polish brush. Enough rambling? I'd say.

August 16, 2012

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 15-Delicate Print

So I didn't really have a clear idea of what 'delicate' print entailed. I mean yeah there's lace and um, I don't know what else. You know what's super delicate and also adorable and makes for a great print? BUNNIES!

August 14, 2012

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 14-Flowers

Flowers are always a nice design, especially when it comes to nail art. But floral prints can be so overdone, you know? For today I decided to do something simple, but effective. I'd had it in my mind a while now, and I'm fairly pleased with how it came out with.

I painted some tulips on my nails with a minty green background. The stems and grass look really really dark, unfortunately, but the green I was using wasn't as bright as I'd thought it would be. I'm glad with how bright the actual flower part is though. I think this would look nice with a white background and some yellow and pink tulips too. It'd be nice in spring instead of the usual floral prints.

These were freehanded with some acrylic paint. They're clearly not the most amazing tulips ever painted, but, hey, they're at least identifiable, right? I hope so. 

Colors Used:
Minted, Revlon

August 13, 2012

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 13-Animal print(s!)

Animal print. I was wary of today. At first, all I could think of was some boring old leopard print, so typical. But then it hit me. Instead of animal print, why not animal prints?

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 12-Stripes

At first I thought stripes might be harder than polka dots. Strips just seemed so boring. I thought about it for a few moments and then plaid popped into my mind. So I went with it. And, oddly enough, liked it.

August 12, 2012

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 11-Polka Dots

I can't even begin to tell you how much of a pain this day was. Polka dots. I think out of all the days, I was least looking forward to these. Just.. polka dots! I could not for the life of me think of something interesting. I tried to do half white/half red nails with a black strip between them with a little lace design, and have little dots between the lace, based loosely off of two other semi-similar designs I'd done before, but it was just... just a tragedy. In desperation, I did a lady bug design, but it was so so so unoriginal I couldn't bare to leave them on. After I took pictures of them, I started putting on a new purple color, and then thought "this would make an excellent gradient" and then after that I had a major epiphany and thought "MATTE POLKA DOTS."

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 10-Gradient

Gradients. Oh how I love gradients. I was super excited for this day because gradients are like the best things ever (okay not really, but they're nice and simple and so easy to do but still look so nice especially with the right colors).

August 10, 2012

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 9- Rainbow

Ugh. Rainbow. I hate this look with a burning. I don't have anything against them (or, didn't, let's say), but I do not wear rainbows a lot, or ever really. So to make a good rainbow design would have probably needed both time and contemplation. Which I did not have. When I was doing this 'design' for lack of a proper term to describe the atrocity, I was also watching two of my cousins, and you cant really have time or contemplation when doing that. I so wish I would have redone them but I had tried a few designs already and decided to give up, because I didn't really have the time to do another set. So, keep that in mind and try not to let the horrors below scare you off from ever coming here again.

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 8- Metallics

Heh, so I'm a bit late again, aren't I? I'd like to say I was bust, or under the weather, or some other valid excuse but no, I was mostly just lazy and didn't feel like editing pictures/writing up a post. I'd also like to say I'll try not to do it again but who am I kidding, probably I will do it again, we're only 10 days into this thing. 

But aside from that, metallics! I was pretty excited for this one, because I do love a nice metallic shade, but then I realized I only really had a few silvers, a gold, and a purple metallic to work with. Originally I did a gold nail with glitter flakies, but it was just so boring I couldn't bare to pose it (though it pained me to waste all that gold polish; I''m more than halfway through Next CEO by OPI, one of my favorite polishes ever, and I'd hate to be out of it). So after some contemplation, I thought, "Hey, why not half moons?"

August 7, 2012

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 7- Black & White

Woo! We're officially one week into this challenge! How exciting! Also we're FINALLY DONE WITH THE COLORS! Well the basic colors, anyway. I can't even tell you how glad I am. Not that I didn't enjoy it, it's just that I prefer a more direct challenge besides just a color or whatever. So black and white. I had thought for a few days I was going to do a half moon with some lace around it. Classy, elegant, very feminine and whatnot. But instead I did something entirely different.

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 6- Violet

I think it's been a nearly everyday occurrence so far in this challenge that the color I applied turned out to be... not quite the color hoped for. So violet came, and I was so pumped because I have tons of purples to choose from. I had my idea all in mind, and I was so positive that my color was actually purple. But.. no. It turned out reddish. Disappointed, I tried to fix it because I really didn't want to change me whole design, so I added the most sheer purple color over it and said, "You know what, close enough. I'll just call it red violet." And so I did.

August 5, 2012

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 5-Blue

I was really excited for blue. I went in with a firm idea of what I was going to do, got the colors all ready, and set out to work.

And after I started, I quickly realized my plan had fallen apart.

I intended to do a night sky for today's challenge. Easy enough, right? It was mostly just a modified galaxy design. But then the blue-ness got lost in it, and by the end of trying to fix it, it seemed too barren and plain. So I added a city skyline to my night sky and thought, "Yeah, this looks pretty good. But the buildings are kind of lost against the background." So I added some lights on the buildings. And it looked better, but still, it didn't pop out, it more blurred together still. So I added a matte top coat. And after that, I gave up because there was nothing else I could think to do.

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 4-Green

Green was an interesting day for me. I have a scarce amount of green polishes (I think my collection is about half just blues and purples) so it was about as difficult as yellow's day to come up with something. At first, I tried to do a lime green (which actually was more on the yellow side, go figure) with black and blue crackles over it, but it turned out so horribly I could not bare to let it slide. So instead, I took a look at my polishes and said: I am going to try out some fish scales!

August 4, 2012

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 3- Yellow

Sorry this post is a day late. I had the pictures uploaded and everything, I just never got around  to editing them! Yesterday was a day highly saturated with procrastination (which was unfortunate for both this blog, and writing- any other Camp NaNo-ers out there?).

Now, yellow. Yellow is not a color that really suits me, and I don't have a single yellow polish. I had a really bright orange-y yellow polish that I was going to use and add a layer of a sheer white over, in the hopes of a miracle, but I couldn't get it opened. So I brought out some paint and had a very vague idea in my head that completely failed once I put brush to nail. I had hoped to do an intricate-y looking pattern of swirls in a dark brown on the yellow, but instead, trees. Trees happened. I don't know how or why but once I started to do a swirl, it turned into a branch. But I kinda liked it and there wasn't any going back, so I went with it.

August 2, 2012

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 2- Orange

In my last post, I think that I admitted my Day 1 turned out more orange than anticipated and turned into Day 2. If not, well then, there you go. I was browsing through my yellow/orange/red line of polishes (a very, very limited selection, let me tell you) and I picked up Rimmel Sunset Orange. This is a color one of my sisters bought and I have to say I will be so so sad if I have to part with it. It's a really coral-y looking shade in bottle, looking way more pink-ish than orange, but it came out much more orange in pictures, especially when matte-ified.

August 1, 2012

31 Day Challenge: Day 1- Red

I've finally started the 31 Day Nail Challenge. I'm pretty excited for it; hopefully it'll really bring out some nice designs. Pretty much every nail blogger has done this challenge, but I hope you'll forgive me for being so unoriginal.

So today's entry is red! To tell you the truth, I had done a design for red, but the color, which looked really coral-y in bottle, turned out far more orange, and so I'm going to save it for Day 2. So I went to do red, and I really don't wear it that much (I only have two bottles of red nail polish, can you believe it?!), so this day I felt very uninspired. I picked up some silver and black and planned on doing simple polka dots, when the idea hit me: braided nails!