August 21, 2012

31 Day Nail Challenge: Day 20-Water Marble

Ohhh water marbling. I was almost excited this morning to try it out. And then I got a bit of nail polish and water on my keyboard, and cleaning up my fingers alone was tragic (even with tape!). And also, I just... did not water marble well.

As you can see, they're still really messy. Even right now, two minutes from midnight, they haven't gotten much better. I feel like this could have gone way better if I had  clear idea in mind of what I was actually doing but no. Like most things, I thought, "Whatever, I can totally improvise. It'll be fine." Probably I should stop doing that.

The pinkie is way darker because I used the blue as the base color for the marbling part and I guess I figured it would disperse more in water. But it just really bothers me how much darker it is than all the others. Oh well. Tomorrow... inspired by a color? I have no idea what that means. 

This is the right hand. It turned out marginally worse than the left.Except the index finger. I love that one, a lot. And the middle finger is almost good, but it got a second covering of orange as I took it out of the water and it got ruined. It was a shame. It had so much potential. 

Also, we're 20 days into this challenge! It feels like I just started it like last week! Well it was roughly two weeks ago, but still. You get what I mean. We're getting into the 'Inspired by' challenges. They scare me. 

Colors Used:
French White Tip, NYC (base color)
Plenty of Fish in the Sea, Spoiled
Sunset Orange, Revlon (for what, the fifth time?)
Unnamed Cosmetic Arts brand

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